SS 2024 "Hysteria of Art. Episode 2"
«Художник в жизни – не счастливчик: он не имеет права жить без обязанностей, труд его тяжек, и этот труд зачастую становится его крестом. Он должен понимать, что все его поступки, чувства, мысли рождают тончайший, неосязаемый, но прочный материал, из которого вырастают его творения, и что он поэтому свободен не в жизни, а только в искусстве».
Василий Кандинский
Во втором эпизоде серии «ИСТЕРИЯ ИСКУССТВА» таким рождающим «прочным материалом» стало творчество Василия Кандинского, мастера русского авангарда, во многом сформировавшего окружающую нас действительность. Слом эпох, духовная дисгармония и культурный кризис в различные эпохи – самая питательная среда для проявления личности Художника.
Абстрактные композиции Василия Кандинского, безупречные в своем упорядоченном доисторическом хаосе, переосмысляются в авторской вышивке. Василий Кандинский, являясь создателем нового художественного языка, не смог уйти от русскости, пропитавшей все его творческое ДНК. В коллекции Татьяны Парфеновой каждый образ воплощает определенный этап развития русской культуры: от элементов народного костюма до облика аристократического платья рубежа веков. В градиенте, созданном при помощи наслоения, рождается закатное солнце, А-образные силуэты цитируют покрой сарафана и поневы, приталенные акцентные блузы оживляют в памяти фигуры барышень «прекрасной эпохи».
Основополагающим средством выразительности в коллекции является линия. Линия создает силуэты, упорядочивает геометрические принты, выстраивает образы в единое целое. Линия объединяет живопись художника, исторический костюм и русское национальное платье. Линия соединяет неожиданные колористические и текстильные решения. Именно линии Василий Кандинский уделял особое значение в своем сочинении «Точка и линия на плоскости», называя ее «следом перемещающегося объекта».
Показ сопровождает виолончельная сюита соль мажор Иоганна Себастьяна Баха, олицетворяющая движение авангардных фигур Василия Кандинского, который увлекался игрой на виолончели.
Несмотря на красочность творческих методов обоих художников, доминантой коллекции является черный образ с супрематическим шлейфом, продолжающим «насильственное падение к черному» по Василию Кандинскому.
Ассоциации 2023 - Коллекция "Сад в саду"
Коллекция SS 2022 "Сказка"
SS 2022 "Снегурочка"
Вечный туман влюбленности
Художественный мир дизайнера Татьяны Парфеновой переполнен серьезностью и нежностью. Нежной серьезностью… Бессмертные легенды в ее интерпретации обретают успокоительную благодать, герои примиряются с судьбой и наконец-то обретают дом… Байроновский Дон Жуан теперь не опасный искуситель, а сам – как медитативный Пьеро находится в мареве вечного тумана влюбленности… Пестрые лосины и черный камзол облегают утонченную фигуру с ранимой душой. Он бережно развязывает ленты, скрепляющие сзади черные бархатные платья-балахоны с живописными картинами - средневековыми хтоническими человеко-звериными существами. Мантии-одеяния опадают, обнажая прозрачные возрожденческие ботичелиевские туники с вышитыми полевыми цветами. Одна эпоха сменяет другую в полусне лепестков воспоминаний. Фарфоровые лица Донн Анн как на блюдцах лежат на кружевных плоеных воротниках-фрезах. Отрешенные от суетного аристократичные наряды и судьбы их обладательниц новой эпохи неувядающего наслаждения длящимся бесконечно мгновением…
Текст Влада Липская
Коллекция "Истерия Искусства. Эпизод 1"
Будущее отражается в зеркале прошлого.
Мощеная дорожка превращается в подиум.
Занавес нарисован на холсте.
Люди исполинского роста улыбаются и навечно счастливы.
Музыка живая.Модный Дом «ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЕНОВА» начинает новую историю показов, в центре внимания которой творчество известных живописцев.
Дизайнер волею своей фантазии выстраивает художественные пары – странные и прекрасные.Эпизод 1. МАЛЕВИЧ И МОДИЛЬЯНИ
Строгая дисциплина линий.
Высшее качество тканей из шерсти.
Взрослая элегантность вне времени.
В основе сюрреалистического вышитого декора – авторская интерпретация.
Знаковых деталей женских портретов художника.
Драгоценные переливы палитры сложных тёмных цветов акцентируют феноменальную игру зыбких оттенков обнажённой кожи.МАЛЕВИЧ
Экспрессивная ритмичная динамика разбавлена нотой винтажности.
Чувственность бархата.
Образ девочки-женщины одновременно дерзкий и трепетный.
Яркие цветовые контрасты авангарда и неизменная константа чёрного с белым.Коллекция включает не только все главные позиции современного гардероба для повседневного использования и особых случаев (макинтош, платья, блузки, юбки, брюки), но и специальные эффектные дополнения: Драгоценности – крупное кольцо-камея с бриллиантами, серьги с царскими золотыми монетами и рубинами.
Сумки – трогательная белая сумочка-обманка с изображением винтажного портфеля и декадентский бархатный кисет, расшитый каменьями. Кожаные ремни и эксклюзивные дизайнерские шарфы.ЗАНАВЕС
Интервью Татьяны Парфеновой для Vogue Россия
Интервью Татьяны Парфеновой для VOGUE Россия, март 2020
"Я ценю свободу и покой выше всего. В состоянии покоя к тебе прибивает то, что нужно и что тебе интересно. Суетиться нельзя, надо сидеть и работать. И какое счастье работать в собственной мастерской, не важно, через какой материал ты себя выражаешь."
TATYANA PARFIONOVA стал первым российским участником Недели Моды в Токио
Модный Дом "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЕНОВА" представил перфоманс, посвященный Году Театра
Модный Дом "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЕНОВА" открыл Департамент в Москве
Показ коллекции «ОРФИЗМ» в Мультимедиа Арт Музее, Москва
Показ коллекции They на Новой сцене Александринского театра
Выставка картин Татьяны Парфеновой и Пьера Анри Матисса
Татьяна Парфенова создала костюмы для балета Concertino Bianco в Мариинском театре
Показ капсульной коллекции They в Москве
Blooming Couture - альбом, посвященный кутюрной линии Модного Дома "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЕНОВА"
Показ коллекции «Цветение» от TATYANA PARFIONOVA в отеле Москвы "Метрополь"
Презентация бренда Татьяны Парфеновой и Дианы Вишневой
Показ коллекции «Цветение» от TATYANA PARFIONOVA в Дохе, Катар
Показ коллекции «Цветение» от TATYANA PARFIONOVA на территории Петропавловской крепости
Показ коллекции «Перемена» от TATYANA PARFIONOVA в ГМЗ "Царское Село"
Показ коллекции «ПОЛЯ'» от TATYANA PARFIONOVA в зале атриума "Зимний Сад" отеля "Астория"
Показ коллекции от TATYANA PARFIONOVA Home "Time at Home" на Новой сцене Александринского театра.
LondonTalks: Diana Vishneva,Aliona Doletskaya,Tatiana Parfionova.
Модный Дом "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЁНОВА" История одного платья
Obscurum per obscurus. Показ коллекции Модного Дома в рамках проекта "Ассоциации" в Царском селе.
Съемка Татьяны Парфёновой для СОБАКА.RU ТОП 50
Модный Дом "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЁНОВА" принял участие в SPbFW FASHION TOUR сезона FW 17-18
Показ коллекции "СЕМНАДЦАТЬ" в Российской Академии Художеств
Выставка Модного Дома "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЁНОВА" в Музее Российской Академии Художеств
Первая весенняя вечеринка
Показ коллекции "Истории Лебедя" в отеле "МЕТРОПОЛЬ" в Москве
Показ коллекции Haute Couture «Истории лебедя», а так же коллекции Axenoff Jewellery "The Swan Fairytales" в Астории
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Home Design на выставке Design&Decor St.Petersburg
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Haute Couture "Jabot by Parfionova"
Благотворительная презентация альбома для творчества "Путешествие бабочки на цветном карандаше".
PARFIONOVA HOME DESIGN приняла участия в выставке FIDEXPO
Фестиваль «Аргонавтика» в Музее искусства Санкт-Петербурга XX-XXI веков
Екатерина Гусева в платье от Модного Дома "ТАТЬЯНА ПАРФЁНОВА" на съёмках фильма "Мать моя женщина"
День Мецената в Государственном Эрмитаже
Выставка «Морская. Море в моде XX-XXI веков»
Показ коллекции "Формула"
Китайский новый год в Модном Доме
Dress for the exhibition "Divine Maya"
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House presented an art-object – the dress “To The Bottom” on the exhibition “Divine Maya” dedicated to the world famous Russian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.
"The profundity of talent. The dance immerses the audience in the state of delight.
Purity and love. Devotion. The happiness of being and the tragedy of loss.
The image of the perfect ballerina penetrates deep in the soul. Touches its bottom.
Returns as an absolute happiness. "
(Tatyana Parfionova)
Author of the photo used for the dress – Viktor Lyagushkin
The exhibition “Divine Maya” is open until November 8, 2015
St. Petersburg, Fontanka river emb., 34 (Sheremetev Palace)
New collection TATYANA PARFIONOVA "The Love for Oranges"
September, 17 2015 TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House presented the new collection Demi-Couture SS2016 "The Love for Oranges".
TATYANA PARFIONOVA "The Love for Oranges" collection continues the theme of the New Chinoiserie, begun in "Qigun" collection (FW 2015/2016). "The Love for Oranges" is composed of evening gowns and classical suits made of high quality silk. The main decorative element - everted seams, Tatyana Parfionova's signature style since 1995.
The fashion show took place in the Chinese Palace in Oranienbaum: one of the finest examples of rococo in Russia, with its superbly ornated interiors featuring a range of late 18th century styles, including Chinoiserie, a trend imported to St. Petersburg from England rather than from the East.
All of the guests were led through the halls of the Chinese Palace by historians of art and had a brief lecture about the interiors of Palace before the show.
The fashion show was accompanied by live music of St.Petersburg musicianMr.Finn.
The show was held in the frame of the celebration calendar for the 20th Anniversary of TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House.
Make up for the models was specially created by the artists of the International brand of professional cosmetics M•A•C Cosmetics.
The image refers to the Chinese porcelain figures. Aristocratic transparency of pale skin transmit the European idea of a Chinese elegance.Hairstyles for the show were designed by the stylists of SEBASTIAN Professional - International brand of professional hair products.
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Home Design on Design&Decor St.Petersburg exhibition
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House took part in Design&Decor St.Petersburg exhibition and presented new collection of the interior line TATYANA PARFIONOVA Home Design.
Design&Decor was held in the exhibition center "EXPOFORUM".
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Home Design presented the new collection of furniture, textiles with embroideries and accessories for interior decoration.
The new “Meerkats” sofa with embroidered family of meerkats was the main piece on the exhibition.
Новая коллекция рюкзаков TATYANA PARFIONOVA
Литературные чтения на Радио России
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Haute Couture "Qigun"
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House presents the new Haute Couture collection: «Qigun», Fall-Winter 2015/2016.
The presentation took place in Astoria Hotel in Saint-Petersburg on the 29th of June.
For it's twentith anniversary, TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House created a collection that formed a symbolic trilogy. "Qigun" connected the first TATYANA PARFIONOVA collection ("Safron", 1995) dedicated to Henri Matisse and the Chinese collection ("A Chinese In Our Yard", 1997).
Qigun - is type of spiritual practice intended to "align" body, breath, and mind for health, meditation, and martial arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, qigun is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "life energy".
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House introduces a New Chinoiserie.
"Qigun" collection is a synthesis of Henri Matisse's art and European perception of traditional China.The collection consists of more than 70 Haute Couture pieces. Suits made of silk and cotton, quilted shantung jackets, trousers in the technique of encrustation, silk taffeta tippets with handmade embroidery, dresses made of silk from the Chengdu Silk Museum, printed silk coats, hats, high-heeled shoes (new TATYANA PARFIONOVA Shoes brand).
Currently TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House (St.Petersburg, Nevsky pr., 51) works as a showroom. For personal fitting of the new collection please call +7 (812) 713-14-15.
"Qigun" collection is about movement, about the immense possibilities of the human body. About unlimited transformation of fashion, free breathing, the sentiments expressed in color and form. The diversity and the unity of people. From a healthy soul to a healthy body. (Tatyana Parfionova)
Hairstyles for the show were created by international stylists of Sebastian Professional.
After the traditional catwalk the guests of the show could see the ballet performed by the students of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.
The choreography for the ballet was staged by Maxim Sevagin.Partners of the show:
Beauty partners
M•A•C Cosmetics
SEBASTIAN ProfessionalMedia partners
«SOBAKA.RU» Magazine
International Fashion Channel «Fashion|One»
Fashion Wire Press -
WHITE by Parfionova "Qigun" capsule collection
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House presented the new capsule collection "Qigun" of WHITE by Parfionova brand.
The fashion show was held in Tsarskoye Selo in Alexander Park during the annual project "Assotiations" on the 27th of June.
The presentation of the collection was made in form of a ballet performed by the students of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet.
"Qigun" collection is about movement, about the immense possibilities of the human body. About unlimited transformation of fashion, free breathing, the sentiments expressed in color and form. The diversity and the unity of people. From a healthy soul to a healthy body. (Tatyana Parfionova)
"The Gardener" fashion show in Ashgabat
In the beginning of June the team of TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House visited the capital of Turkmenistan - Ashgabat.
The Ministry of Textile Industry of Turkmenistan invited TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House to show the latest Haute Couture collection during the International Day of light industry.
Especially for the fashion show in Ashgabat TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House prepared the Haute Couture collection "The Gardener". Collection consists of multi-layered dresses with floral embroidery. The looks of the models were complemented with hats with silk ribbons. -
Победа в премии ТОП 50
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House created two unique bicycle models in collaboration with Electra, popular american brand of comfortable citybikes.
Tatyana Parfionova suggests to complement a modern city look with a stylish and comfortable vehicle - originally designed bicycle.
The new TATYANA PARFIONOVA for Electra bicycles are decorated with "Seagulls" print - hit of WHITE by Parfionova prêt-à-porter collection. Seagulls in a rapid flight drawn by Tatyana Parfionova add dynamics for mooving through the big city. Lady's model of the citybike is made in red and white colors and gentleman's is blue and white.
"This bike will speed up your life! Seagulls with red or blue sunset on their background will add romantic vibes to your love stories." (Tatyana Parfionova)
TATYANA PARFIONOVA for Electra bicycles are created on the base of Electra Amsterdam series - a modern interpretation of a classic Dutch bike. The fast-rolling 700c wheels mixed with patented Flat Foot Technology® provide a nice, easy ride while the full chainguard and fenders let you ride without fear of messing up your threads.
TATYANA PARFIONOVA for Electra bikes are complemented with designers accessories - bells and baskets.
TATYANA PARFIONOVA for Electra bicycles can be pre-ordered at TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House and branded Electra showrooms in Russia.
For all buyers of TATYANA PARFIONOVA for Electra citybikes Electra company provides special terms of service: free of charge winter storage and unlimited maintenance.
Концерт в Модном Доме
Татьяна Парфёнова номинант премии ТОП 50
20 years
April 22, 1995 TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House was founded
Photo project "TWENTY"
In celebration and honor of the twentieth anniversary of each - the artist Diana Vishneva and TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House – you are cordially invited to experience the specially commissioned photography exhibition“TWENTY”. Fashion photographer Carlo Giorgi and designer Tatyana Parfionova collaborated with the muse Diana Vishneva on a series of striking, original photographs on the intersection of fashion and art.
The photo exhibition "TWENTY" will be held at Mariinsky Theatre from April 10th till May 12th, 2015.
Diana Vishneva is widely acknowledged as the world's foremost ballerina of classical and contemporary dance.
Diana has attained the status of a cultural icon in Russia and the world of dance, and according to Forbes (Russia), she is one of Russia’s top 50 globally known personalities. She graces the covers of leading Russian fashion magazines as well as worldwide arts and dance publications.
In addition to performing around the world as a principal dancer with The American Ballet Theater and The Mariinsky Ballet, as well as special performances with Moscow's Bolshoi Ballet, Diana has performed throughout the world in special performances with new works created for her by many of the world's leading choreographers.
After 15 years of accomplishment and critical acclaim in dance, Diana decided to give back to her world by creating The Diana Vishneva Foundation in 2010, a not-for-profit foundation dedicated to support the art and traditions of classical ballet and contemporary dance in Russia and throughout the world. The Foundation's activities range from helping the needs of children studying ballet, ballet lovers of modest means, and injured and unemployed dancers, as well as encouragement of new ballet projects and productions.
Carlo Giorgi - a famous Italian photographer started his career in 1978 when he became the official photographer of Pitti Immagine also known as Centro di Firenze per la Moda Italiana. Carlo produced some of the most icon fashion campaigns for Yves Saint Laurent Men and contributed as an editorial photographer for Armani, Valentino, among many other prominent brands. He is a continuing contributor for CondeNaste group.
Recently, Carlo Giorgi turned to wedding photography where he continues to excel.
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House founded by designer and artist Tatyana Parfionova in 1995, over the years it became one of the widely recognized fashion symbols of Saint-Petersburg. The Fashion House to this date remains one of the most important cultural attractions in the city.
Beauty partners:
M•A•C offers an extraordinary collection of makeup products loved and championed by professional makeup artists around the world since its inception in 1984. Triumphing the individuality in all of us, M•A•C has built a community of makeup artists, models, photographers and journalists who have helped grow the brand through word-of-mouth buzz. These influencers create trends through collaborations for seasonal runway
collections, while cultivating new generations of makeup artists through trainings.View backstage shooting by M•A•C Cosmetics
Bureau de Beauté "Bel Etage" (Saint-Petersburg)
The hair styling for Diana Vishneva was created by top-stylist Slava Astapov.
International media partners:
International Fashion Channel «Fashion|One»
Launched in April 2010, Fashion One is distributing to over 120 countries worldwide. Fashion One Has reached over 100 million worldwide.
When thinking fashion as it pertains to television, no one should be limited to just runway and models. Fashion, trends and style can be found everywhere.
From photography, street style and beauty tips, to designer retrospectives and the latest celebrity trends, Fashion One reveals fashion in all aspects of life. It is a global, fashion-forward channel for women and trendsetters all over the world who love fashion and all it embodies.
Creating programs which are engaging and captivating, Fashion One is the ONE channel dedicated to fashion, entertainment and lifestyle.DEPESHA is the leading Russian expatriate culture magazine at the intersection of fashion, arts, and literature. Founded by Stephan R. Rabimov in 2005, and published twice a year in New York, DEPESHA is a bilingual, highly curated and limited edition publication.
New book "Pola Nelson"
Last week the new book by Tatyana Parfionova "Pola Nelson" was released. The book tells the story about a girl Pola Nelson and her sensual life experience. All illustrations are made by Tatyana Parfionova.
The book is already available at TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House - Nevsky pr., 51.
WHITE by Parfionova fall-winter 2015/2016
On March 14th WHITE by Parfionova brand presented the new fall-winter 2015/2016 collection.
The collection continues the development of the young prêt-à-porter brand of TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House created in 2013. WHITE by Parfionova aims to satisfy all the needs of an active lifestyle.
"We all like to swim, to play, to chase each other. We daydream with our eyes wide open, we are in constant motion finding new activity everyday. We are sensitive to the vibrations of the environment and know how to adapt to them. We are a part of a big city, like a fish in a sea." (Tatyana Parfionova)
The new WHITE by Parfionova collection is created for the "Fish in the city"! For those who feel like a fish in its own water. For those who feel confident in the city, at home, in their own lives. Troubled waters are not for us. Sometimes we need to "emerge out of the water” and go to the country to get some fresh air. Then we come back and blow bubbles of happiness!
In the fall-winter 2015/2016 collection one can find everything for an active city life. More than 100 items, from shirts and shorts to dresses, jackets and coats. For sports - swimwear and tops, for home - shirts and comfortable suits.
Flat shoes for home and streetwear, as well as bags and clutches, complete the looks.
On the runway appeared not only professional models but also famous actresses, ballerinas, clients and employees of the Fashion House.
Partners of the show:
Fashion and entertainment channel Fashion|One
M.A.C CosmeticsPress:
VOGUE Russia
BURO 24/7
Harper's Bazaar
"Bears" collection at TeddyFun exhibition
Charity sale of Christmas decoration
"Amie" by Tatyana Parfionova
Ballet «Masha and The Nutcracker»
13 and 14 January 2015 in Alexandrinsky Theatre premiere of children's ballet performance "Masha and the Nutcracker" with the participation of ballet stars and boarding school Ballet School Ilya Kuznetsov.
Stylistic concept of the show is designed Tatiana Parfyonova.Libretto: "Our tale, and maybe not a fairy tale, takes place in the run up to Christmas, in the fashion design school. Madame Dee - the owner of the fashion house, asked the children the task of creating a magical outfits for Christmas. And what came of it ... "
Classical ballet in 2 acts
13 and 14 January 2015
Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes
Music PI TchaikovskyAccompanied by the International Symphony Orchestra "Tauride" under the direction of Golikova
Authors: Ilya Kuznetsov and Peter Bazaron
Choreography: Peter Bazaron
Stylistic concept: Tatiana Parfenova
Production Designer: Marcel Kalmagambetov
Costume Designer: Sergey Illarionov
Head of production part: Konstantin Klimov
Artist technologist Sergei Berdnikov
Chief coach of the project: Sergey Tikhonov
Lighting Designer: Dmitry Albul
Video artist Fedor SokolovAlexandrinsky Theatre
Saint Petersburg
Ostrovsky Square, 6 -
“The Dancer” Christmas Tree by Tatyana Parfionova
TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House sets a Christmas atmosphere in St. Petersburg. As part of an exclusive partnership with "Astoria" Hotel the Fashion House presented "The Dancer" Christmas Tree designed by Tatyana Parfionova.
Dressed in snow-white tutu, the eloquent pine-tree turns into objet-d'art that unites centuries old traditions of the Russian classical ballet with cutting-edge fashion.
The exotic decorations for the tree are made of Murano glass by the legendary Venetian manufacturer Signoretto Lampadari.
This one-of-a-kind Christmas Tree by Tatyana Parfionova opens a new tradition for "Astoria" Hotel - exclusive collaborations with the world’s best fashion houses.Thin and sharp needles of the tree in combination with airy glass decorations together symbolize a strong desire to be merry juxtapositioned with the fragility of everything precious.
“The ritual of Christmas Tree decorating is a premonition of happiness. Despite the fact that we live in a Christian world this ancient pagan symbol that brings a lot of joy to everyone. The decorations must be rich, while hanging each toy it’s necessary to make a wish and to dream about something new!” (Tatyana Parfionova)
Designer gifts
December is a month of Christmas mood. TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House prepared a wide selection of elegant Christmas gifts. In the new collection of accessories for traveling and home you can find velvet cosmetic bags with embroidery, silk sleeping masks embroidered with flowers or teddy bears, slippers for women and men hand-made of English velvet, scented candles with natural oils and covers for iPhone with prints from the latest collection "Love Confession". All new items are already available at TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House on Nevsky pr., 51.
"The Creation of The Universe (of Fashion)"
On November 18th, 2014 new demi-couture collection SS2015 "Love Confession" was presented by TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House as a performance "The Creation of The Universe (of Fashion)" for Russian audience in Saint-Petersburg.
In September 2014 the collection was shown in Milan during Milan Fashion Week in ABC Atelier Gallery (Corso Como 5).
In St.Petersburg TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House prepared a surpising happening: the guests got an extraordinary experience of being present at the campaign shooting. The audience could not only appreciate the collection in close up situation, but also be part of the process.
Famous fashion-photographer Petr Titarenko was invited to shoot 11 scenes, composed by Tatyana Parfionova, with models and ballet dancers from the Mariinsky Theatre. The entire scenography created by TATYANA PARFIONOVA Fashion House looked like a magic garden with a mirror lake where girls in light couture dresses with precious embroidery were surrounded by peacocks, herons, frogs, fish, snakes, monkeys and butterflies. One of the main characters was a big elephant that came on stage joining the mise en scenes.
The soundtrack of the show was the Nature itself: sounds of stream, waterfall, frog's croacking, bird's songs, laughs of monkeys and sounds of fluttering butterflies were completed with classical opera and live instrumental music performed by State Philarmonic Hall musicians.
"Love Confession" collection consists of 26 precious dresses. Materials: silk, silk velvet, net. The dresses are embroidered with flowers, butterflies, animals and birds, as well as decorated with special stitching and crystal beads. Velvet dresses have special decoration: stitching with Japanese silk threads covered with gold leaf.